Serving the Church

At Redeemer, there are several groups that strive to serve the church in various aspects. 

Altar Guild

The Altar Guild is a group that sets us and cares for the altar linens, communion ware, candles, and other altar decorations in such a way as to honor God. 



Banners are made for the sanctuary and other areas of the church that display messages related to the life of the church and the people who attend. Banners are made as required and changes according to the church year.


Christian Women's Society

The main goal of Christian Women's Society (CWS) is to extend Christian Outreach to all women at Redeemer and to all women in the Mountain Home area. CWS also raises money through their semi-annual Rummage Sales which benefits local community charities and some mission charities. 

Property Team

The property team aims to serve the church by maintaining, repairing, and enhancing the church property. This group oversees the landscaping, buildings, grounds, technology, equipment, maintenance, and painting at Redeemer.


Vesper Society

The Vesper Society is Redeemer's chapter of the LWML. Vespers strives to develop and maintain a greater mission consciousness among women at Redeemer through education, inspiration, and service. Our major emphasis is the support of mission, both at home and abroad. Specific fundraising projects include the sale of plants at the semi-annual Rummage sales, winter soup dinner, spring or summer lunch, and holiday gift and bake sale.
