Worship Ministry

Corporate worship is the central part of our Christian commitment. While the worship service is lead by our pastors, it "takes a village" of people, each doing their part, to help make our worship a meaningful and fulfilling experience. The following opportunities are open to Redeemer members:

Altar Guild

The Altar Guild is a group of members who set up and care for the altar linens, communion ware, candles and other altar decorations. One hour a week is required on a rotating basis. Training is provided. 


Banners add artistic interest to the sanctuary and other areas of the church, by highlighting seasons of the church year, and special events. Banners are made as required and needed skills include sewing, small fine cutting, using the letter machine, cutting symbols, gluing and designing. Additional help is always welcome.


Greeters provide that all important first impression to members and visitors coming to worship. A smiling face, cheery “Hello” and a handshake are all that is required for about 1/2 hour every 5th Sunday or so. Choose the service that you wish.


The Nursery is open on Sunday for all services.  If you love to care for infants and children, please consider this welcome service for our young parents as they worship. The Nursery is located in Room C.

Pew Cards

Keeping our pew racks stocked with attendance cards, envelopes and sharp pencils may seem like a small thing, but its importance is huge. Pew envelopes boost giving for special offerings, and attendance cards help us identify members who have not come for a while and may be in need. If you can help with this small but valuable ministry let us know.

Quiet Bags

Quiet bags entertain our littlest members during worship services with paper, crayons, bible stories, & more. Volunteers are needed to find toys and items of interest, and to check and fill the bags each week. If you have a half hour each week and enjoy finding ways to keep little hands busy, you will enjoy this ministry.

Lay Readers

This ministry involves reading the scriptures (Lesson, Epistle and Gospel) at the 8:00 AM or 11:00 AM worship service. Readers should have a clear, pleasant voice,  be comfortable with public speaking and have a commitment to the reverence of the scriptures. Volunteers may choose which service time they wish to read at, and are scheduled to read about once every 2 months. Additional readers are always welcome.

Sound System Operators

Ever wonder who controls the mics and runs the screens during a worship service? If you are technically inclined, this may be for you. You may volunteer for either task, or do both. Training is provided and volunteers are scheduled for a month at a time, for each service time.   


Our Tellers count the offering and see that it is properly deposited every Monday morning. Counters must be able to accurately count money. Not all people, even if highly educated, are able to do so. Recruiting is done following suggestions, usually by current tellers, that a church member is believed to have the necessary abilities.  

The HUB (Helping You Belong)

First-time visitors and guests can sign the attendance card here. We also help members find tracts, various church information, and sign up sheets for activities, events, & more. We provide cards which you can sign to show our Christian love to our church family. If you know of anyone that needs a card because of sickness or if a death has occurred, please call the church office and they will let us know.


Ushers serve the Lord by providing assistance and greeting to those who come to worship. They hand out bulletins, assist in seating, pick up pew cards, collect the offering, direct people to communion and do whatever else is needed to help make the service run smoothly. Teams of ushers are scheduled for 4 weeks at a time. One and one half hours are required at each service,  and you may choose the service time appropriate for you.  Training is provided through the Board of Elders. We can never have too many ushers!   

Please contact the church office for contact information
