Our youth are the future of the church. Without them who will carry on the message of God's love and salvation? Good educational programs and activities are therefore of prime importance in nurturing our children and youth to grow into active and faithful Christians. Below are some opportunities to consider:
Our Sunday School is "Passport to Faith's Odyssey". Odyssey for short. Children ages 3-5th grade get in costume and travel to the Holy Lands. Each week we experience these locations with songs, drumming, puppets, Bible videos, ancient activities, crafts, games and acting out the Bible story! Come join us Sunday mornings from 9:45 AM-10:45 AM in the Family Life Center across the street from the church!
On Sundays from 9:45 AM-10:45 AM, Students in 6th-8th grade meet in the LifeTree Cafe to discuss familiar bible stories and how they apply to our everyday lives.
Open to grades 6th-8th, Confirmation class meets on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Wednesdays of every month at 6:00 PM in Room B. If you are interested in instruction in the Six Chief Parts of the Christian Faith, please see Pastor McReynolds.
Post-confirmation youth to young adults can join Youth Handbells on Sundays between services at 9:45am, ringing in worship occasionally. In addition to learning music and ringing handbells, the group spends the first part of rehearsal studying the hymns and liturgy of the church.
On the fourth Wednesday of each month, Pastor McReynolds leads the post-confirmation Youth / Young Adults in fellowship and topical Bible study. Each month alternates between a topical study and a fellowship activity. Pizza is provided! Check our calendar for the date of our next meeting!